Read from the global state of an application.
An index into Txn.ForeignApps that corresponds to the application to read from. Must evaluate to uint64.
The key to read from the global application state. Must evaluate to bytes.
Get the ID of the current running application.
This is the same as :any:Global.currentApplicationId()
Delete a key from an account's local state for the current application.
An index into Txn.Accounts that corresponds to the account from which the key should be deleted. Must evaluate to uint64.
The key to delete from the account's local state. Must evaluate to bytes.
Read from an account's local state for an application.
An index into Txn.Accounts that corresponds to the account to read from. Must evaluate to uint64.
The ID of the application being checked. Must evaluate to uint64.
The key to read from the account's local state. Must evaluate to bytes.
Write to an account's local state for the current application.
An index into Txn.Accounts that corresponds to the account to write to. Must evaluate to uint64.
The key to write in the account's local state. Must evaluate to bytes.
The value to write in the account's local state. Can evaluate to any type.
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An expression related to applications.