An index into Txn.ForeignAssets that corresponds to the asset to check. Must evaluate to uint64.
Get the clawback address for an asset.
An index into Txn.ForeignAssets that corresponds to the asset to check. Must evaluate to uint64.
Get the number of decimals for an asset.
An index into Txn.ForeignAssets that corresponds to the asset to check. Must evaluate to uint64.
Check if an asset is frozen by default.
An index into Txn.ForeignAssets that corresponds to the asset to check. Must evaluate to uint64.
Get the freeze address for an asset.
An index into Txn.ForeignAssets that corresponds to the asset to check. Must evaluate to uint64.
Get the manager address for an asset.
An index into Txn.ForeignAssets that corresponds to the asset to check. Must evaluate to uint64.
Get the arbitrary commitment for an asset.
An index into Txn.ForeignAssets that corresponds to the asset to check. Must evaluate to uint64.
Get the reserve address for an asset.
An index into Txn.ForeignAssets that corresponds to the asset to check. Must evaluate to uint64.
Get the total number of units of an asset.
An index into Txn.ForeignAssets that corresponds to the asset to check. Must evaluate to uint64.
Get the unit name of an asset.
An index into Txn.ForeignAssets that corresponds to the asset to check. Must evaluate to uint64.
Get the URL of an asset.
An index into Txn.ForeignAssets that corresponds to the asset to check. Must evaluate to uint64.
Generated using TypeDoc
Get the name of an asset.