Bitwise and expression. Produces left & right.
Bitwise or expression. Produces left | right.
Bitwise xor expression. Produces left ^ right.
Divide two numbers. Produces left / right.
Equality expression. Checks if left == right.
Greater than or equal to expression. Checks if left >= right.
Get the bit value of an expression at a specific index. The meaning of index differs if value is an integer or a byte string.
For integers, bit indexing begins with low-order bits. For example, :code:GetBit(Int(16), Int(4))
yields 1. Any other valid index would yield a bit value of 0. Any integer less than 64 is a
valid index.
For byte strings, bit indexing begins at the first byte. For example, :code:GetBit(Bytes("base16", "0xf0"), Int(0))
yields 1. Any index less than 4 would yield 1, and any valid index 4 or greater would yield 0.
Any integer less than 8*Len(value) is a valid index.
Requires TEAL version 3 or higher.
The value containing bits. Can evaluate to any type.
The index of the bit to extract. Must evaluate to uint64.
Extract a single byte as an integer from a byte string.
Similar to GetBit, indexing begins at the first byte. For example, :code:GetByte(Bytes("base16", "0xff0000"), Int(0))
yields 255. Any other valid index would yield 0.
Requires TEAL version 3 or higher.
The value containing the bytes. Must evaluate to bytes.
The index of the byte to extract. Must evaluate to an integer less than Len(value).
Greater than expression. Checks if left > right.
Less than or equal to expression. Checks if left <= right.
Less than expression. Checks if left < right.
Subtract two numbers. Produces left - right.
Modulo expression. Produces left % right.
Multiply two numbers. Produces left * right.
"Difference expression. Checks if left != right.
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Add two numbers. Produces left + right.