The data signed by the public key. Must evaluate to bytes.
The proposed 64-byte signature of the concatenation ("ProgData" + hash_of_current_program + data). Must evaluate to bytes.
The 32 byte public key that produced the signature. Must evaluate to bytes.
Set the bit value of an expression at a specific index.
The meaning of index differs if value is an integer or a byte string.
For integers, bit indexing begins with low-order bits. For example, setBit(new Int(0), new Int(4), new Int(1))
yields the integer 16 (2^4). Any integer less than 64 is a valid index.
For byte strings, bit indexing begins at the first byte.
For example, setBit(new Bytes("base16", "0x00"), new Int(7), new Int(1))
yields the byte string 0x01. Any integer less than 8*value.length is a valid index.
Requires TEAL version 3 or higher.
The value containing bits. Can evaluate to any type.
The index of the bit to set. Must evaluate to uint64.
The new bit value to set. Must evaluate to the integer 0 or 1.
Set a single byte in a byte string from an integer value.
Similar to SetBit, indexing begins at the first byte.
Requires TEAL version 3 or higher.
The value containing the bytes. Must evaluate to bytes.
The index of the byte to set. Must evaluate to an integer less than Len(value).
The new byte value to set. Must evaluate to an integer less than 256.
Take a substring of a byte string.
Produces a new byte string consisting of the bytes starting at start up to but not including end.
The byte string.
The starting index for the substring. Must be an integer less than or equal to string.length.
The ending index for the substring. Must be an integer greater or equal to start, but less than or equal to string.length.
Generated using TypeDoc
Verify the ed25519 signature of the concatenation ("ProgData" + hash_of_current_program + data).